Monday, June 29, 2009

A Stick in My Wheel

After a Friday night of pure fun, I awoke on Saturday morning feeling a bit groggy. No worries, I have more fun to do! Wrong! By 9 pm with my best friends ever celebrating my birthday, I was a mess. My head felt like bowling ball, by body was shivering, and my nose had turned into a hose. I came home, promptly put on all the sweat pants I own and shivered Michelin man self to sleep. 

3:24 am, I'm awake because I am literally sweating away my body fat because I have so many clothes on. 

4 am, still not asleep it must be the snot running down my face and the cracked lips. Fun.

Finally I wake up to go out to breakfast with Deb and Tarilyn only to be Debbie Downer because I still feel like I am underwater and sweating like a whore in church. We go to the Sounders Game where I decide that jersey or no jersey, I now remember why I don't wear synthetic fibers. Now, off to Steve and Pam's for another birthday celebration and I am taking a nap through appetizers and downing cold tablets like meth addict during dinner. 

Monday morning. I'm exhausted because I have only slept for 3 hours with an adorable cat on my chest compressing my lungs just a bit more than they already are. Awesome. What a girl will do for a cat on her chest. 

Go to work, only to snap at Kim Hood and having a echo/humming noise in my ear for 3 hours. Finally, I drag my sorry-ass home and sleep for 6 hours and get some homework done. Is this the universe saying slow down or i'll make you slow down? Or, is this punishment? I hate karma....hopefully this is a 3 day cold and I am on the upside:)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Could do with, Could do without

5 Things I could have done without this week:

1) A phone call that should have ruined my week, but alas, I have learned to expect nothing, therefore feel nothing. 

2) 60+ hours of work, moving, closing a site, and caring for very sad children. That kicked my ass and my feet hurt really bad.

3) Only seeing Leslie once when I wanted to see her every day of the week!

4) Having a stupid amount of homework due and really not having time for it. 

5) Knowing that I am going to run like a mad woman tomorrow as I turn 25 and not being able to throughly enjoy it:(

5 Things I could NOT have done without this week:

1) Dave helping my in anything and everything I did this week because he knew we wouldn't be able to spend time together, instead he did all the bitch work right beside me.

2) Seeing Leslie today!

3) Setting up our new site for the summer and knowing that it looks amazing and feeling like this could be the best summer for some kid in W. Seattle and I get to be a part of it!

4) Although this week with be equally crazy, Annie is in town and I get to do a lot of fun family things!

5) Today. Today I get to be with all of my people and celebrate birthdays, Father's Day, and everything in between. I really love that I get today!

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Woes of a Grad Student

Sorry, it has been too long. Want the fill-in of what I have been doing? Well, it's really simple: worrying like a mad woman about how is God's green earth people afford to live while in school. Recently Mrs. Smith posted about how she contributes to society yet there are no benefits for her and so on, and I agree completely. How is it possible that our country pushes me to go to more school and more school, yet my punishment is financial ruin? I am hanging in by a thread, literally. I have contemplated the unimaginable to make ends meet for me, yet I know the real rough patch is yet to come. One word for you: internship. Three long, rough, demanding, scary, unpaid internship semesters of HELL. 

Let me break it down further: 

I have no job in September.
I have an internship that I still need to find that starts in January and must last for THREE semesters, the equivalent of 9 months! U-N-P-A-I-D!!!!!!!!!!
I have to move because I can no longer afford my rent.
I have had to rely financially on Da and I hate putting him in that position.
I'm turning 25 next week and I feel like a 4th grader.

To top it off, all of this combined makes me feel like I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown. 

How do I afford life?