Tuesday, July 14, 2009

When was the switch?

Last night I jolted awake at 3am hearing an odd combo of Enya meets The Cranberries blaring in my window. I tried, half awake, to discover where and what apartment it was coming from and while doing so, woke Dave up as well. We discovered, after turning on every light in the house and now fully awake, that the noise was coming from one floor up and one apartment over. I finally put my glasses on to see that the culprit had all of her (assuming it is a "she" by the music selection) lights were on and she was dancing around with ALL of her windows open. I calmly opened the window and screamed slightly for her to turn it down or close her windows. She did not respond, rather from the apartment across from us came billows of laughter and agreement that the lady should turn it down.

Being polite but rather frustrated, we closed all of the windows and tried to sleep. I tossed and turned while both Dave and I have each others hands cupped over our ears. Again, I jerked up with a brilliant idea! Earplugs!!!! I ran to the bathroom and searched for our Paris First Class bags and found empty cases because Mrs. Smith and I used them whilst in our Paris loft....rats!!!

I try again to lay and be peaceful until I realize that she is playing the same 3 songs over and over and over again! UGH:( Finally I get so annoying to Dave that he starts to put clothes on to knock on her door. Grumbling the whole way, I sweetly thank him and wait for the noise to cease.

YEAH!!!! Dave is the hero! She doesn't answer the door, but turns the music waaaaayyyy down and I can finally sleep soundly. It was 4:15am.

Fast forward to this morning, one of my favorite kids at work hit her hip on the playground. She gets an ice pack and comes to sit in my office while I am on the phone, talking loudly, emailing, and using an annoying and always loud walkie-talkie. I turn around 3 minutes later, and she is fast asleep in the chair with an ice pack to her hip.

I am mystified! When did I loose the ability to fall asleep anywhere with any sort of noise? I miss that and I don't even remember when I was able to do that! She slept for a good 45 minutes, woke up, told me the ice pack was warm, that when her dad was in her grandma's tummy he had a dog named Sparky, and off she went. A-m-a-z-i-n-g! Wish I still had it in me:)


Jordan said...

A 45 minute nap sounds really nice...

Taylor said...

Where have you been? Why aren't you blogging? The blogosphere misses you:)

Lori Emmerton said...

I love your children stories...you are a blessing you anyone who get to have you with their kids, including yours and Morgans future ones.