Sunday, January 10, 2010

Back to Basics

Tonight is my last night of not worrying about homework or internship. I officially start the "home-stretch" of my grad school career tomorrow! In preparation, Mrs. Smith and I went shopping on Saturday on the grad hunt for "business casual" attire for my new job (except I don't get paid). Surprisingly enough, we found some really cute things and I only felt bad about my thighs once! Pretty good for an entire day of shopping:) Now, as I pick out my first day of internship clothes, I wish I had a plain black cardy. So, Dave and I stopped by the mall right quick and let me tell you, there is NOTHING! There are cardy's without buttons, with long, gaping sleeves, weird wrap ones, one that could be my dress, shawl, snuggie, and hammer pants all at the same time, ones that have really odd collars, but not a one is a regular cardy. The everyday cardy that is black, long sleeves, crew neck, regular mate buttons at a normal size, hits at your hips, and without odd trendy embellishments. I just want a perfect cardy to go with anything, that can stand the test of time, and that doesn't distract. Is this too hard to ask for?

Guess what? J. Crew has one. It's lovely cashmere and has all the classic qualities listed above. Only catch, for once, it isn't on Dave's discount list. Thus, my dream sweater is $150 and out of my reach. Life's mean realities.

And to you all, enjoy your week!

1 comment:

Lori Emmerton said...

At least you know its out there. Maybe it will be on Dave's list next month? Just keep watching.

Best of luck on your first week of "clients" and school. What a milestone girl!