Monday, June 29, 2009

A Stick in My Wheel

After a Friday night of pure fun, I awoke on Saturday morning feeling a bit groggy. No worries, I have more fun to do! Wrong! By 9 pm with my best friends ever celebrating my birthday, I was a mess. My head felt like bowling ball, by body was shivering, and my nose had turned into a hose. I came home, promptly put on all the sweat pants I own and shivered Michelin man self to sleep. 

3:24 am, I'm awake because I am literally sweating away my body fat because I have so many clothes on. 

4 am, still not asleep it must be the snot running down my face and the cracked lips. Fun.

Finally I wake up to go out to breakfast with Deb and Tarilyn only to be Debbie Downer because I still feel like I am underwater and sweating like a whore in church. We go to the Sounders Game where I decide that jersey or no jersey, I now remember why I don't wear synthetic fibers. Now, off to Steve and Pam's for another birthday celebration and I am taking a nap through appetizers and downing cold tablets like meth addict during dinner. 

Monday morning. I'm exhausted because I have only slept for 3 hours with an adorable cat on my chest compressing my lungs just a bit more than they already are. Awesome. What a girl will do for a cat on her chest. 

Go to work, only to snap at Kim Hood and having a echo/humming noise in my ear for 3 hours. Finally, I drag my sorry-ass home and sleep for 6 hours and get some homework done. Is this the universe saying slow down or i'll make you slow down? Or, is this punishment? I hate karma....hopefully this is a 3 day cold and I am on the upside:)


Sheri Nugent said...

I heard you were sick - and that this one was bad! Poor Precious! Hopefully, it will leave as quickly as it came.

You need more sun and rest - and less long work days and stress.

Lori Emmerton said...

I'm sure you got your illness from me...I have a doctor's appointment in about 2hrs. This one is a bad one to shake...sorry