Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Just another day at camp...

So, I came into work and Kim tells me how a parent had some concerns and wanted to express them to a supervisor. This was a parent that we have known for years. She came into the office and read a note that was sent home with her child, it went like this: "Dear Andrea, today Andy had a hard time being respectful to his camp counselor as he and 3 other boys played dare and the dared each other to say "Suck my balls, Stubby" to a larger counselor. Please reiterate at home that those are not words allowed at the YMCA."

Um, how does one respond to this? I almost fell off my chair laughing! Andrea, the mom, looked dumbfounded, obviously concerned about her child and his choice of words. She too started laughing.

Sometimes, you just have to laugh and deal with reality later.

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