Oh, Mr. Darcy. I mean, Fluff. He is sick...again. Yesterday I came home from meeting with clients that have such a laundry list of issues that I sat with the mother and talked about the weather for 20 minutes. She said, "Hold on, can we talk about something adults would talk about then we can talk about my family. I feel like I only yell at my kids and I just want one conversation today to be about nothing to do with them. Am I a selfish Mom for that?" No, she isn't.
Anyway, I came home and Fluff has some serious drippy eye. It is like a mini-Niagara. His precious little eye-lids are all swollen and he looks like a pirate because he keeps it closed. Sad story Fluff.
I found a cat-only cat clinic up the road we are going check out since the really convenient one across the street is full of a bunch of crazies, as I found out when Georgia decided to jump a deck while Mama was out of town. Ugh.
Anyway, Fluff is going there today to check what his pureblood-Persian-inbred-self has this time. Wish us luck and a happy Friday to you all.
EP, for some reason the second I have down time and clearing my head, I am thinking of you. Don't know why, but I hope all is well and I am sending every good thought I have left from this week to you. Give the "two" a snuggle for me and lets chat soon. XOX to you.