When I was in High School, I had characteristics that resembled "That Girl." You know her, great hair, skinny, could have been nicer, hot but douche bag boyfriend, cheerleader, legs for days, and always tan. I had shades of her and those shades hit the fan when I had H-U-G-E reality check in college. Anyway, one of those"shades" that I embraced the most, especially my Junior year, was the year long tan.
Me: Hello, my name is Taylor and I had an addiction, tanning.
Everyone: Hi Taylor.
Jeffery Allen was this dirty-birdie, 30-something creeper, that would come to every football game, not because he loved watching the lowest ranked high school football games, but because he loved himself some high school cheerleader. Ugh.
Anyway, all of us girls used this to our advantage as he owed the local tanning salon. He would give us unlimited, free tanning. Seriously gross and dangerous in retrospect. Either way, it was a perk and I wanted it to continue. And let me tell you, I loved tanning. Not only because it kept me looking like a Satsuma during Christmas, but because it was a wonderful boost of warmth during the winter months, and every month in between.
During the middle of the day, I had several prep periods where I would go tanning and then again after school. Can you say skin cancer? I stopped doing this for the gross tanned look, and started doing this for the warmth that radiated through me every time I laid down in the plastic, ultra-violet, coffin of cancer. Again, I learned my lesson as I have a pigment loss that has resulted from the years of fake warmth.
Why does this long background matter you ask? Well, I have now started to get cold and yearn for that warmth that once radiated my bones during these winter months. Compact that with an ample amount of time on my hands and I have no excuse for not working out A-L-L the T-I-M-E! Plus, my high school metabolism has left me and I don't really like the result it left behind. Thus, I have investigated Hot Yoga.
This Hot Yoga studio is right around the corner and it is 105 degrees and 50% humidity while doing 90 minutes of yoga. Whoo-hoo is right!!! I can recapture that warmth while combining my need for exercise and use up some of my excess time! It really sounds perfect, but I have enlisted the guidance of my Yogi Yoda, EP because not only does this sound like something that she knows about, but I think she has done this before. Sounds like Lupus would like this, we'll see.
So, this is what I am considering as a warmth and practicality possibility. Thoughts?