Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I Hear They Call It: Empathy

I am trying to gain perspective and placing myself in others shoes. This is hard, hard stuff and I don't much like it, but it is necessary in order to move forward.

The shoes I am trying on:

-My Dad
-My Aunt Linda
-My Uncle Ron
-My Grandparents
-Dear Friends

Some shoes are too big, some are too tight, and some the color doesn't work for me, but a shoe, is a shoe, is a shoe, and they must be tried on. Thus, I am pushing onward and in the process, working towards bettering myself. I will fumble and I will say things I shouldn't, but I hope they try my shoes on and we work together. Wish me luck...


The Wife said...

I have a few pairs I need you to break in for me...

Taylor said...

I'm on it sister:)